Each Job goes through many stages from Assigned to Finished and identifying each status images by sight alone may take some getting used to.
Admins can view a list of all these images and their respective statuses from Settings. They can also update the default icons to any images they like.
From Settings, Select Job and Quote Settings then Job Statues.
Job Statuses and Job Status Images are listed here for an Admin to reference at any time.
Note: Feel Free to print this screen and keep a copy handy at your desk.
Not Dispatched is the status of a job that was created but not sent to the mobile app.
Assigned is the status of a job that has been scheduled but not sent to the mobile app.
Dispatched is the status of a job that has been scheduled and sent to the mobile app.
Accepted is the status of a job that has been accepted by the Fieldwork from the mobile app.
Started is the status of a job when the Fieldworker starts the job from the mobile app.
In Progress is a status that can be manually selected by an Admin or a Fieldworker to signify the job is in progress.
Finished is the status of a job when the fieldworker finishes the job from the mobile app.
Completed is the status of the job when an invoice is created for this job.
Rejected is the status of a job when a fieldworker rejects the job from the mobile app.
Note: The option to reject must be enabled by an Admin Settings>>team settings>>mobile user permissions.
Cancelled is the status of a job that was canceled by an Admin.
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