Important note
The Work Classic mobile app is only supported on Apple iOS devices running iOS 17 or older, and is not supported on iOS 18 or newer, or any Android devices. If your fieldworkers use Android devices or iOS devices running iOS 18 or newer, they must use the Work Mobile app.
If migrating to the Work Mobile app is not an option, consider using Apple iOS devices instead of Android devices.
Q: Why is support for Work Classic App being ended?
A: Work Classic was built using what is now outdated technology, and due to that it is limited to be fully supported on devices running Android 10 and below. Given the fact that it cannot be updated to support more current versions of Android, and in the interest of the security and privacy of our customers, we’ve made the decision to sunset it on Android.
Q: When is the Android version of the Work Classic App end of life happening?
A: End-of-life for Work Classic on Android is planned for June 30, 2023.
Q: Will the iOS (Apple) version of Work Classic be sunsetted?
A: We do not have the same limitations in updating the iOS version of Work Classic. There are no plans to sunset that version.
Q: What can our fieldworkers expect on July 1, 2023?
A: Fieldworker users will be unable to log into Work Classic on any Android device. They will be able to log into Work Classic on an iOS device, or Work Mobile on Android or iOS devices.
Q: Where can I learn more about the Work Mobile app?
A: We have training available here in the Help Center.
Q: What are the comparisons between the 2 apps?
A: Work Classic vs. Work Mobile
What is the difference between Work Classic App and Work Mobile App?
Q: Does Work Mobile function the same as Work Classic?
A: Fieldworkers can complete many of the same functions in Work Mobile as they can in Work Classic. The main features not available in Work Mobile are:
- Add/Edit Client
- Create Jobs & Sub-jobs in the Field
- Create/Send Quote / Convert to Job
Q: Can I add/edit Clients in Work Mobile?
A: No, this function is not available in Work Mobile. It must be completed via the Work admin portal via a web browser or in Work Classic on iOS.
Q: Can I create Jobs & Sub-jobs in Work Mobile?
A: No, this function is not available in Work Mobile. It must be completed via the Work admin portal via a web browser or in Work Classic on iOS.
Q: Can I create and send Quotes, and convert Quote to Jobs in Work Mobile?
A: No, this function is not available in Work Mobile. It must be completed via the Work admin portal via a web browser or in Work Classic on iOS.
Q: What do my fieldworkers need to do before Work Classic is sunsetted for Android?
A: Download Work Classic onto an iOS (Apple) device, or download the Work Mobile app (available for both Android and iOS) onto their mobile device. The fieldworker’s login is the same between the different apps. There are no sunset actions in Work Classic, they need to just start using Work Mobile.
Q: I’m not happy that the Work Classic app is being turned off, what are my alternatives?
A: We appreciate you being a Work customer and value your business. Please contact our Customer Success team to discuss your options.
Q: The Work Classic app has stopped working on my Android devices? I can’t log in to the Work Classic app.
A: As of June 30, 2023, we sunsetted the Android version of the Work Classic app. To help our customers navigate the sunset, we provided a variety of notifications - both through email and in-product notifications. Customers were provided time to use Work Classic on an iOS device instead or migrate to our more modern Work app, the Work Mobile app.
Q: Work Classic is sunset on Android, when will you sunset the rest of Work?
A: We have no current plans to sunset the entire Work product/application.
Q: Without Work Classic, I want to cancel my Work account
A: We appreciate you being a Work customer and value your business. Please contact our Customer Success team to discuss your options.
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