Can you Import Users?
Yes, Admins can import their Fieldworkers information to add them as users.
Note: Admins and Restricted Admins will need to be created in Work.
Can I import Quotes?
No, Quotes are not an item that Admins can import into Work.
Client Import
Would I need to set up my Client's Account Types before importing my Clients?
Yes, Admins should add the various Account Types(payment terms) the company offers Clients before importing their Client List. To add Account Types go to settings>>client settings>>account types.
Can I import a Client Contact when importing Clients?
Yes, Admins can import a Client Contact when importing Clients.
Note: To import multiple Contacts for a Client be sure to list each Contact in a separate line on the template file.
Can I import a Client's Outstanding Balance?
No, Admins will not be able to import Outstanding Balance information however they can create a Client Custom Field and import the amount that way.
Note: Admins will need to maintain this field manually, it will not be updated automatically when you add a new invoice or payment for that Client.
Is there a limit to the number of Clients I can import?
No, there is no limit to the number of Clients that can be imported into Work but we recommend uploading 2000 clients at a time.
Client Site Import
What is the Site name?
Site Name is a field where users can name the Job location. This allows Admins and Fieldworker to quickly identify which Client Site they are selecting when adding or view job details.
Do I need to fill in Client code as well as the Client Name when importing Client Sites?
No, you are only required to enter one or the other. It’s important to remember that the Client name needs to match up with the client name in Work. Eg: If the Client Name in Work is “ABC Electrical Pty Ltd” you need to make sure you put the exact same name on the Client Sites template file. You cannot put “ABC Electrical” just by itself.
Where can I find the Client Code for a Client if I haven’t assigned one?
From Clients, open up the Client Record you will see the Client Code on the top left.
Is there a limit to the number of Client Sites I can import?
No, there is no limit to the number of Client Sites that can be imported into Work but we recommend uploading 2000 Client Sites at a time.
Inventory Import
Note: Some customers may have access to some stock management capabilities. As of January 2018, Work stopped offering these to new customers. Learn more.
Do I need to include a tax on to the price when I am filling the Price field on the Inventory template?
No, the Price field on the template is intended to be the pre-tax Price of the Item.
What does Set Inventory mean?
Before January 2018
Set Inventory allows Admin to track stock level on Items, Admins should write True in this column if they are looking to track stock level and False if they are not.
Admins can manually update the stock level within Work from the Item record. Once that Item is used on a Job, Work will deduct the Quantity from the stock level.
Note: This is not a reliable or recommended solution for Stock Management. Read more here.
By setting an item as an inventory item would allow you to monitor the amount of stock moving around the business, This can help you to order stock if the stock levels are low.
After January 2018
Users should write False in this column on the template file.
What are Tags?
Tags are used to group together Items that are often billed together or have various types of the same Item. Learn more about Tags.
Can I batch update my prices when my supplier increases their prices?
Yes, you can use the Inventory template file to update your prices. All you need to do is to change the prices on the template file and re-import.
Is there a limit to the number of Items I can import?
No, there is no limit to the number of Items that can be imported into Work but we recommend uploading 2000 Items at a time.
Jobs Import
Can I import Job Custom Fields information?
Yes, Admins can import Custom Fields information by adding the Custom Field as a new column on the template file.
If I import a Job with a new Client Site, will it create the new Client Site?
Yes, Admins will see a message when they attempt to import a Job for a new Client Site that does not exist and will have the option of creating it.
Can I import Job Codes?
Yes, Admins can create their own Job Code for a Job that they import or leave the column and let Work automatically assign a Job Code.
Note: Admins should avoid auto-Numeric Job Codes.
Is there a limit to the number of Jobs I can import?
No, there is no limit to the number of Jobs that can be imported into Work but we recommend uploading 2000 Jobs at a time.
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